Anchor Points & Safe Roof Access Systems

Certified Roof Anchor Point Installers

We are certified installers of Anchor Points for Tiled and Metal Roofs. Our anchor points are innovatively designed to absorb energy, reducing the risk of injury or damage to your property. Rated to withstand 15kN and compliant with AS/NZS1891.4, they provide 360-degree access per anchor point, reducing the quantity required. This reduces the initial cost and minimises visual impact so that the anchor points do not detract from the appearance of the roof or building.


Surprisingly, most roofs in NSW are non-compliant with current WHS legislation. The law clearly states that all involved parties (employers, employees, property owners and property managers) must provide all workers with a 'Safe Work Environment'. Can we refer to a roof as a safe work environment? We can if all parties cooperate in this serious matter. The absolute minimum requirement is to install sufficient anchor points to provide fall arrest while working on the perimeter of the roof. The gold standard is the installation of a Safe Roof Access System, which ensures that any personnel that are engaged to work on your roof are safe from the moment they leave the ground and starts climbing the ladder, while they are transitioning from the ladder to the roof and making their way to the anchor points, they are entirely protected from falling from height and serious injury.

To view your responsibilities as an Individual Homeowner or as the Body Corporation of a Strata Titled property, PLEASE CLICK HERE for an extract from the current NSW WH&S legislation.


Gone are the days when we had to drill through tiles or install large, unsightly anchor points. Most modern anchor points are energy-absorbing, small, quick to install and do no damage to your roof or even the sarking/insulation below. In addition, anchor Points are surprisingly cost-effective. This makes it makes easier to budget for and brings your roof into WHS compliance.


Below are the 6 main component options to create a Safe Roof Access System. The hardware items and workmanship in installing these systems are covered by a 15-year warranty.




     FIRST MAN UP CABLE                                                  SAFETY SIGN

          LADDER BRACKET                                           ROOF ACCESS HATCH


Roof Anchor Points Certification

All anchor Points and Safe Roof Access Systems installed by Sydney Gutterclean come with (free of charge):

  • Digital photos of the installed items

  • Each individual item is tagged and logged

  • Safe Roof Access System Plan

  • Certificate of Compliance

To be fully compliant with current legislation, each item or system must be physically examined, tested and certified on an annual basis. Sydney Gutterclean is certified to provide this service. We offer a discounted rate if it is carried out at the same time as a gutter cleaning service.



We provide a free reminder service for all customers who have had anchor points or full systems installed. We will send you this courtesy reminder one month prior to the expiration of your current certificate of compliance.

Sydney Anchor Points
Why should you trust Sydney Gutter Clean to install your Safe Roof Access System?


We don't just install these systems - we use them!

Every day we put our lives and safety on the line (excuse the pun) to clean, install or repair gutters. We prefer to use systems that we have installed because we know they have been installed correctly.

At Sydney Gutterclean, we strive to install the best OH&S systems possible. This ensures the safety of our staff and of any resident, member of the public, or tradesperson that attends the sites on which we work. It also ensures that the risk of litigation is minimised to the benefit of ourselves, the owners of the property and the managing agent involved.

Why Install a Safe Roof Access System?

Safe Roof Access

You may not be aware that around 98% of all roofs in NSW are non-compliant as regards to current OH&S legislation. This means that it is not possible for personnel to carry out any work on the roof in a completely safe manner. At present, we do our best to keep our workers safe by setting up temporary anchor points where possible so as to remain safe as we work the perimeter of the roof, cleaning, installing or repairing gutters and downpipes.

The installation of a Safe Roof Access System ensures that from the moment the tradesman leaves the ground and starts climbing the ladder until the moment he steps off the ladder at the completion of the work, he is completely safe from falling and injuring himself.

While the initial outlay is reasonably substantial, it is an investment in the property from a servicing and OH&S compliance point of view.

Roof Anchor Point
To encourage our customers to consider the installation of such systems we offer substantial discount options to reward customers who make it safe for us to carry out our work.


We install Anchor Points for Tiled and Metal Roofs on residential, commercial, and strata managed properties. We use SafetyLink's height safety product range of roof anchors, static line systems, and ladder systems. SafetyLink's height safety anchors are specially designed to absorb energy, reducing the risk of injury to the person and reducing the damage to your property's structure.

SafetyLink's anchor points are rated to withstand [tile link safety anchor] 22kN. (AS/NZS1891.4 standard) Because a fall is never an anticipated event, these anchor points are multidirectional

Anchor Point Installation

- providing 360-degree access, making it safer and also reducing the number of roof anchors needed to make a roof safe.

This unique design (episode winner of ABC1 The New Inventors) is a two-person anchor rated at 22kN is quick to install, no need to cut the sarking, thereby eliminating a multitude of waterproofing issues. The FrogLink, also invented by SafetyLink, is used on metal roofs and has the same energy-absorbing design features, is simple to install, fixing to the roof sheeting with seven industrial rivets, and is also rated as a two-person anchor.


You may not at present be able to install a complete Safe Roof Access System due to budget or other constraints, so why not consider installing just one or more anchor points to improve safety? You could possibly do this at regular intervals until your property is WHS (OH&S) compliant.


Our Ladder Brackets are made from Marine Grade Aluminium and are quick to install. They are a vital part of any safety system as they are the access point to the roof, holding and stabilising the ladder, preventing sideways movement.


At Sydney Gutter Clean, we can provide a free on-site quotation service for roof safety systems to make your roof safe according to AS/NZS1891.4 standards. It is in our interest to ensure a safe working environment for ourselves! [ladder link]

Ladder Brackets Sydney
Sydney Gutterclean Safe Roof Access Systems are fully certified and come with a complete Access System Plan showing the position of each individual component installed.


Each Sydney Gutterclean Safe Roof Access System is supplied with a Certificate of Compliance. We have a free reminder service to annually remind you when your Safe Roof Access System is due for re-certification. We are fully qualified to certify existing systems.

Contact & Quote

Call us now on or complete the below form to request a quote.

A professional team member can usually meet you at your property within 24-48 hours to discuss your requirements and provide you with a fixed price quote.

The Job

Once you have approved our quote and have provided us with a written work order, we will carry out the work within one week of approval. However, if a faster response is required, please advise us so we can endeavour to meet your schedule.

It is important to note that for safety and insurance reasons, we are usually unable to work in wet weather. At the completion of the job, we will completely clean up any mess created and remove any accumulated debris from the site.


At Sydney Gutterclean we take safety seriously. All our team are OH&S compliant, having received training which includes Work Cover induction and Working at Heights certification. We adhere to all Work Cover Act requirements, and our team is equipped with all the personal protective equipment necessary to safely carry out all aspects of our work. A Risk Assessment is performed at the commencement of each visit to each site.

Regular documented internal safety checks on our equipment and work practices are undertaken to maintain our high safety standards. We are fully insured for Workers Compensation and Public Liability ($10 million) and are happy to provide our clients with Certificates of Currency for both. Information about our procedures, policies and Safety Management Plan is available upon request.


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Ebix Trades Monitor Safety Link Certified Installer We're Covid Safe WAHA Working At Height Association